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Python 爬虫技术 第05节 异常处理

2024/10/14 11:00:20 来源:https://blog.csdn.net/hummhumm/article/details/140587694  浏览:    关键词:Python 爬虫技术 第05节 异常处理

在 Python 中,异常处理是一种控制程序流程的重要机制,它允许程序在遇到错误时优雅地处理这些错误,而不是突然崩溃。异常处理通常使用 tryexceptelsefinally 块来实现。


1. 异常处理的基本结构

try:# 尝试执行的代码块pass
except ExceptionType as e:# 如果发生特定类型的异常,执行此代码块pass

2. 示例:读取单词列表并处理异常


def read_word_list(filename):try:with open(filename, 'r') as file:word_list = [line.strip() for line in file]return word_listexcept FileNotFoundError:print(f"Error: The file {filename} does not exist.")except IOError:print(f"Error: An I/O error occurred while trying to read {filename}.")except Exception as e:print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")finally:print("The read operation has been completed.")word_list = read_word_list('words.txt')

3. 使用 else

else 块包含当没有异常发生时要执行的代码。

def read_word_list(filename):try:with open(filename, 'r') as file:word_list = [line.strip() for line in file]except Exception as e:print(f"An error occurred: {e}")else:print("File was successfully read.")return word_listfinally:print("The read operation has been completed.")

4. 处理多个异常

可以有多个 except 块来捕获不同类型的异常,并对它们进行不同的处理。

def read_word_list(filename):try:with open(filename, 'r') as file:word_list = [line.strip() for line in file]except FileNotFoundError:print(f"The file {filename} does not exist.")except IOError:print(f"An I/O error occurred while trying to read {filename}.")except ValueError:print(f"Invalid data format found in {filename}.")except Exception as e:print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")else:print("File was successfully read.")return word_listfinally:print("The read operation has been completed.")

5. 抛出自定义异常


class WordListError(Exception):def __init__(self, message):super().__init__(message)def read_word_list(filename):try:with open(filename, 'r') as file:word_list = [line.strip() for line in file if line.strip()]if not word_list:raise WordListError("The file is empty.")return word_listexcept WordListError as wle:print(wle)except Exception as e:print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")finally:print("The read operation has been completed.")





import sysclass WordListError(Exception):"""自定义异常类,用于处理与单词列表相关的错误。"""def __init__(self, message):super().__init__(message)def read_word_list(filename):"""从给定的文件中读取单词列表。"""try:with open(filename, 'r') as file:word_list = [line.strip() for line in file]if not word_list:raise WordListError("The file is empty.")return word_listexcept FileNotFoundError:print(f"Error: The file {filename} does not exist.")except IOError:print(f"Error: An I/O error occurred while trying to read {filename}.")except Exception as e:print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")def write_word_list(word_list, filename):"""将单词列表写入指定的文件。"""try:with open(filename, 'w') as file:for word in word_list:file.write(word + '\n')print(f"Words have been successfully written to {filename}.")except IOError:print(f"Error: An I/O error occurred while trying to write to {filename}.")except Exception as e:print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")def main():if len(sys.argv) != 3:print("Usage: python script.py <input_file> <output_file>")sys.exit(1)input_file = sys.argv[1]output_file = sys.argv[2]try:words = read_word_list(input_file)if words is None:raise WordListError("No words were read from the file.")write_word_list(words, output_file)except WordListError as wle:print(wle)except Exception as e:print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")if __name__ == "__main__":main()


  1. 命令行参数处理:程序现在接受两个参数,即输入文件名和输出文件名。如果参数数量不正确,程序将显示使用说明并退出。

  2. 异常处理在主函数中main() 函数现在包含了一个 try-except 块,以处理在读取和写入文件过程中可能发生的异常。这包括了 WordListError,这是一个自定义异常,用于处理特定于单词列表的错误。

  3. 函数分离read_word_list()write_word_list() 分别负责读取和写入文件。这样做的好处是代码更加模块化,易于维护和测试。



